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Head & Neck Surgery Services

Malignant tumors of the head and neck can occur in a wide variety of locations, including the nose, scalp, throat, tongue, ears or glands underneath your skin. We offer a variety of surgeries designed to remove unsightly or cancerous growths of the head and neck with minimal impact on your overall appearance.

Neck Masses

Neck masses can be caused by a number of different underlying issues. Malignant or benign lumps may result from swollen lymph nodes, thyroid cancer, lupus, skin or throat cancer, tuberculosis, tonsillitis or many other causes. In many cases, the mass will need to be removed. Serenity offers professional, compassionate surgical services designed to effectively remove neck masses while having the least possible cosmetic impact on your skin.


Parotid and Salivary Gland Tumors

The parotid glands are two large salivary glands located on either side of the mouth, just in front of the ears. Although there are other salivary glands, about 85 percent of salivary-gland tumors occur in the parotid glands. Most salivary-gland tumors are benign and painless, although benign ones may become malignant if not removed. Sometimes, malignant tumors can invade nerves, causing localized pain, numbness or loss of motion. Serenity offers procedures to remove these growths with the least possible cosmetic impact.


Thyroid and Parathyroid Tumors

The thyroid gland is a butterfly-shaped gland located in your neck, just in front of the wind pipe, or trachea. Just behind the thyroid gland are four small parathyroid glands. When nodules develop in the thyroid or parathyroid glands, they can often be seen or felt as lumps in the neck. The likelihood of developing a nodule increases as you age, and most neck nodules are benign and painless, although benign ones may become malignant if not removed. Serenity offers procedures to remove these growths with the least possible cosmetic impact.


Tumors of the Neck Vessels and Nerves

Tumors of the neck vessels and nerves are uncommon growths associated with certain nerves and blood vessels in the head and neck. Most commonly, tumors form on the carotid artery, the main blood vessel in the neck. They typically grow slowly and may throb painlessly. These tumors can also reduce your ability to hear, cause throat hoarseness or difficulty swallowing. The majority of these tumors are benign, with malignant tumors accounting for only 10 percent.  Serenity offers procedures to remove these growths with the least possible cosmetic impact.


Larynx Tumors

The larynx, or voice box, is located in the neck just under the chin. Tumors of the larynx, or laryngeal tumors, can lead to vocal cord damage and airway problems. Age, alcohol consumption, smoking and gender are all contributing factors to laryngeal tumors, which are far more common in men than women. All laryngeal tumors show similar symptoms – chronic cough, rough or scratchy throat, difficulty breathing, weak or strained voice, etc. Serenity offers procedures to remove these growths with the least possible cosmetic impact.


Pharynx Tumors

The pharynx is located directly behind the mouth and nasal cavity and contains the upper portion, called the nasopharynx, and the lower portion, called the oropharynx. The nasopharynx includes the soft palate and the adenoids, and tumors may present symptoms such as nose bleeds or ringing ears. Tumors of the oropharynx, which contains the uvula, often present themselves with a sore throat that won’t go away, trouble opening the mouth or moving the tongue, ear pain or coughing up blood. Serenity offers procedures to remove these growths with the least possible cosmetic impact.


Oral Cavity Tumors

Oral cavity tumors can occur anywhere inside your mouth, including your cheeks, palate, lips, gums, tongue and roof and floor of the mouth. Alcohol and tobacco use greatly increase your risk of developing cancer in the oral cavity. Typically, oral cavity tumors appear as noticeable lumps, sores that won’t heal or white or red patches on the gums, tongue and lining of the mouth.  At Serenity, we offer treatment options designed to remove oral-cavity tumors as conveniently and painlessly as possible.

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4275 Steels Pointe Road
Stow, OH 44224

Monday - Friday 9 a.m - 4 p.m.

P: (330) 971-9730 
F: (330) 255-5095

4016 Massillon Road, Suite C
Uniontown, OH 44685

Friday 8 a.m - 2 p.m.

P: (330) 971-9730
F: (330) 255-5095

Serenity Plastic Surgery © 2024

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